Graduate Student Spotlight: Madhwa Galgali
Madhwa Galgali is a student in the Experimental Research Program pursuing his M.A. in Experimental Psychology and has been awarded an American Psychological Science (APS) grant. Madhwa will be working with Dr. Kenneth Vail and a team of reseachers in India on a research project. The project aims to examine how people in Eastern and non-Abrahamic cultures deal with the awareness of their own mortality. The research will be conducted in India and will explore the impact of death awareness in Hindu religious belief systems and faith in regard to science. Additionally, the researchers will explore investigate how sociodemographic factors (i.e. education level, religious background) can affect the outcome. The funds from the APS grant will go towards recruiting undergraduate students from all over India to participate in the study and other costs related to data collection.
Edited by: Leah Mercedes Sprock
Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology, Current Student